22 MAR 1773 John Milam Appointed Constable

Microfilm Images of BEDFORD COUNTY ORDER BOOK 5A, pages 67.


When I first visited the Record's Center of the Library of Virginia in March 2007, the very first box of "Miscellaneous Court Papers" from Bedford County contained a piece of old, torn paper with "John Milam for the Northfork" written on it. On the other side was written "Northfork Constable's Precinct - all the waters of the said Northfork and up the Southfork to Lick Run and up the same to its head". You may view color photos of these documents by clicking here . After reading through Bedford County court records from the beginning (1754) - some 1500+ pages - I finally found the entry for John Milam's appointment on page 67 of Bedford County Order Book 5A dated 22 MAR 1773 was recorded:


"John Milam is apppointed Constable as per bounds filed."


The other two men appointed Constables that day, Charles Bunch and Isaac Banister, are recorded just above John Milam in Order Book 5A.

Court Order John Milam Constable


26 APR 1773 John Milam Took the Oath of Constaple

Microfilm Images of BEDFORD COUNTY ORDER BOOK 5A, page 96.


And a month later, the Bedford Court recorded: "John Milam took the Oath of Constable etc."

John Milam Took Oath of Constable

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